From October 3 to 5, CNCAN is organising the national exercise Valahia 2023 with the goal to verify and confirm the integration of nuclear emergency response plans and procedures in accordance with the National Nuclear or Radiological Emergency Response Plan. Such drills are standard procedure in the nuclear field, playing a key role in improving preparedness and safety measures, and Romania has strengthened its capabilities through the Norway Grants programme and with the support of the Norwegian Radiation Protection Authority (DSA).

The overall goal of the exercise is to test the National Nuclear or Radiological Emergency Response Plan with the participation of all actors involved and the integration of international assistance to respond to a nuclear event at the Cernavodă NPP. The national exercise Valahia 2023 is an opportunity to improve our capability to respond to unlikely nuclear and radiological emergencies, thus ensuring the protection of the population, environment, and property.

Here you will find information about National Exercise Valahia 2023, including details of the exercise program, its objectives and how participants will be involved in the emergency simulation. We invite you to follow the updates and get actively involved in promoting nuclear safety culture and understanding nuclear emergency response measures.